Grief Bruise - Solo show at Lunchtime Gallery, Glasgow, August 2021

Former Self Shadow
oil on canvas 51x41cm

Grief Bruise and Eating the World
both oil on canvas 20x15cm

Learning Plant Names
oil on canvas 30x25cm

oil on canvas 35x25cm

Grief Bruise (Doubt)
oil on canvas 26x16cm
We are never meant to grieve in solitude [...] Indigenous paradigms have a much better understanding of the role of grief and suffering as part of the human experience. Grief is balanced by a cosmic vision that doesn’t put human species as the be-all and end-all of creation. When we take our place as one of the beautiful beings among millions of other beings, human and non-human, then our grief is released from the individualistic isolation that marks the modern experience. In so doing, grief can be a work of love and compassion; a work of restoring balance and harmony – all of which are done in the context of community. - Leny Mendoza Strobel, The Indigenous Turn in a Filipina Narrative, 2017